Thursday, April 24, 2008

Straight Talk from Rev. Dr. Michael Pfleger

God bless this man.

It seems that Fox News dispatched one of Bill O’Reilly’s muckraking flunkies, err… reporters, to interview Rev. Michael Pfleger, the pastor of St. Sabina Catholic Church in Chicago, who had invited Rev. Jeremiah Wright to an event marking poet Maya Angelou’s birthday several weeks ago. Despite all of the deceitful, cringe-worthy attempts made by Bill O’s little helper bee to get Rev. Pfleger to make some compromising or damning statements about Wright and/or Obama, the good father simply refused to get sidetracked into slander and innuendo, and instead, turned the tables on this sleazy douchebag, delivering a pretty stinging “truth to power” rebuke of his own about the gross distortions, hypocrisy and double-standards of the media and society at large. It’s really quite a thing of beauty to watch.