Friday, June 13, 2008

Afghan Jailbreak: “There is no one left”

CTV News:

The Sarposa Prison was the one at the centre of a scandal early this year, after allegations that prisoners handed over by the Canadian Forces were being tortured.

Canada has since paid for upgrades to the jail and Canadian troops have offered human rights training to the Afghan guards.

Military analyst Mercedes Stephenson said Friday’s attack will be serious hit to Canadian morale, particularly since many of the escapees had been captured by Canadian Forces.

“It’s absolutely a blow to the Canadian mission,” she told CTV Newsnet. “It’s a lot of very hard work that’s been undone.”


Lalani, named ambassador in April 2007, said he’s been hearing doom-and-gloom assessments since he arrived in the country.

“Since I arrived in Afghanistan, people have been telling me that the sky is going to fall. It has not fallen.”

Until now.