Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Back in the old days, little old Nanaimo (once touted as the ”Hub City” for some curious reason — now it’s promotional slogan is the “Gateway to the Island”) was regarded by us snobs in Victoria as… um, how shall we say… a seedy, downmarket, almost “Appalachian” sort of place; noted more for its biker gangs, crime-ridden neighborhoods, scurvy remnants of the rust-bucket coal-mining industry, drug culture, and its ludicrous bathtub race, than anything else. My, how times have changed.
p.s. It’s always fun to hear people mispronounce its name on “Larry King” or wherever. Right up there with the tortured mangling of “Saskatchewan”…
Posted by
Red Tory
4:31 PM
Hip, hip… um, hooray!
Great. I was informed today by my ortho that finally I now have a surgery date: May 6. Yay!
So there you go… if you have catastrophic joint failure and require “emergency” total hip replacement, it will only take a mere five months or so to get the problem attended to.
Just another two months of mind-bending agony, discomfort and excruciating pain to go…
Note: The video, gruesome as it is, just depicts a “resurfacing” procedure. I shudder to think what’s involved in the actual surgery when total replacement is involved.
Posted by
Red Tory
2:44 PM
How It All Ends (“In the Test Tube”)
I love this guy! The idea of viewing the contentious issue of “climate-change” as a straightforward risk-management proposition really puts things in perspective.
“This is likely to be the greatest threat that humanity has ever faced. Think that’s overblown? Maybe. But can you be so certain that you’re willing to bet everything? Because we only get to run this experiment once.”
“Global Climate Destabilization”… perhaps not as sexy as the other names out there, but certainly far more accurate.
Posted by
Red Tory
11:03 AM
To die so dirty and so poor…
Well, we can wish...
Try not to be horrified when this page pops up in your browser. Yikes!
Kinsella dashes off a post worthy of bookmarking for future reference whenever referring the abominable midget behind FFF.
And speaking of parasitic maggots…
Posted by
Red Tory
8:43 AM
Saving for Education: Evil!
So, the RESP is “an irresponsible tax cut for the wealthy” is it? That’s a good one! But it gets even better. According to Flaherty:
“It runs the risk of putting the balanced budget of our government into a Liberal deficit.”
Excuse me? Um, didn’t the Liberal government pass onto this “conservative” administration the largest surplus… ever? And that was after many years of belt-tightening and downloading of federal expenses needed in order to wipe out a massive “Conservative deficit” left by their spendthrift predecessors. And isn’t the reason the Conservatives’ “balanced budget” is so perilously close to deficit in no small part because of pointless cuts to the GST that every single economist in this country said were highly irresponsible and inadvisable?
Update: I dare you not to laugh. Yeah, right. Dr. Blimp thinks it’s simply unconscionable to hinder “HM government” from managing the budget. Hey, how’s that whole budget thing going there, by the way? Teetering on the brink of deficit it seems, at least according to HM Finance Minister. Thanks for giving everyone a gigantic heads up regarding the parlous state of the federal government’s books, Jim!
Posted by
Red Tory
7:50 AM
Mark Steyn: Multiculturalism
Eeeew, eeew, eeew.
Okay, sorry… I just had to get that out of the way.
What’s up with that atrociously faux Midlands accent? Nails... meet blackboard.
Posted by
Red Tory
3:33 AM
FSM Expelled!
Is the Flying Spaghetti Monster being kept out of big academia? Is FSM creationism a viable origin theory? This film seeks to discover the truth... Move over Ben.
“We have scientific evidence correlating the total number of pirates to global average temperatures…”
Posted by
Red Tory
1:25 AM
More About Brain Zombies… and Kansas
Following on from a random thought yesterday, here’s the lecture from Prof. Dan Dennett that I vaguely had in the back of my mind when suggesting that people’s thoughts are sometimes effectively “hijacked” by parasitic memes that may run counter to their own personal imperatives (well that was the allusion in any case). To give the notion some verisimilitude and politically contextualize it a bit, it might be an interesting proposition to examine the puzzling conundrum, “What’s the matter with Kansas?” as posed by Thomas Frank several years ago, through this prism.
Posted by
Red Tory
12:41 AM
Monday, March 10, 2008
The “Final Frontier” and all that rot…
Hmmm. The romantically named Jules Verne turns out only to be little more than an extremely expensive disposable space freighter delivering bottled water form Milan, but still… kind of neat.
The shuttle Endeavour just safely lifted off from Cape Canaveral on a relatively rare night launch sending the new Japanese space laboratory and our very own Canadian “Dextre” (special purpose dexterous manipulator) into space. Here’s a diagram of it on the CSA website.
It’s an unfortunate shame that our tentative ventures in space have now become so blasé and largely commercialized for the most part.
Posted by
Red Tory
11:31 PM
Fallen Idols: Spitzer
Mere plebs that we are, our attitude of rotten cynicism, apathy and general disaffection with the sleazy political fray is often remarked upon with some degree of haughty contempt by the multi-millionaire nabobs (now referred to more fashionably as “villagers”) of the mainstream press, but are those feelings of alienation and disappointment really all that misplaced when so many of our public officials, even those “straight arrows” we may once have imagined as being impossibly removed from the grubby realm of scandal, so rudely disappoint us with their vulgar and immoral indiscretions?
I have acted in a way that violates my obligations to my family, and that violates my or any sense of right and wrong.” — Elliot Spitzer, New York Governor
Update: Predicted NYP Headline: “Love Potion #9” Heh. Clever indeed.
Update2: Quite so. It’s the hypocrisy, stupid!
Posted by
Red Tory
6:01 PM
Great Opinions: Part I
Thankfully, there are lots of gruesome clips like the above-noted out there… Given the frequency of stories like this, I suspect that I’ll be availing myself of them with some alarming degree of regularity in future.
Anyway… Hello, and welcome to a new series that I’m calling “Great Opinions”…
Full disclosure at the outset: these citations may not actually be all that “great” — in fact, they could be kind of shitty, baseless, vile, unsubstantiated, specious, dubious or otherwise wholly counterfactual, but nonetheless, according to a certain constituency of haywire jerkwads, have been deemed to be “GREAT” for some deeply inexplicable reason or other…
So join me, won’t you as we painfully stumble upon the GREATNESS that the brightest minds of Wingnuttia offer up from the political discourse for our edification…
Posted by
Red Tory
4:49 PM
Conservative-BT Relationship Explained
I’m finding this whole “clearification” thing to be quite remarkably useful…
Posted by
Red Tory
4:04 PM
Sad Facts: We Suck!
I mean that in the broadest possible sense. So just briefly put aside your partisan political cudgels for the time being and accept for the moment the premise that WE (and you know who you/we are!) at times suck beyond belief. Why, you ask? Well, look no further…
This appalling situation concerning the First Nation people of Attawapiskat is a perfect illustration of just how badly we SUCK and how miserably we’ve failed at managing aboriginal issues over the years. It doesn’t seem to matter who’s in charge of “Indian Affairs”… whether it be Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, or now the spanky “New Conservatives”… the story is the same old shameful, completely inexcusable horseshit.
Good grief, how heinously pathetic is it that we’ve got a native community that’s been crying out for… A SCHOOL… for, um… THIRTY YEARS!
Gee, can you imagine the furious bellyaching that would arise from the good folks of Delisle, SK if their beloved SaskWest High School was inadvertently contaminated by a diesel fuel spill and then not replaced for THIRTY YEARS? And just imagine the howls of outrage if they happened to be sitting right next door to a diamond mine! Why the possibilities for rhetorical extravagance boggle the imagination.
Get off your fat, fucking arse, Chuck and deal with this matter like a decent human being. Heck, you’ll be breaking precedent and might even win some political points for doing so, because the Liberals have absolutely nothing to crow about here.
h/t: Cameron Holmstrom at Peterborough Politcs and CC who picked up on this earlier. By the way, there are a lot of really good (albeit depressing) links worth following up on in the comments to Cameron’s original post.
Posted by
Red Tory
2:16 PM
Rock’em Sock’em Robots
Perhaps there’s some wisdom behind the Liberals’ “strategy” after all.
“Essentially what you have here is two punch-drunk fighters in the centre of the ring whaling away at each other and nothing is happening. People really aren’t paying much attention.” – Darrell Bricker, Ipsos Reid President
Posted by
Red Tory
10:17 AM
Sliced Bread & Other Marketing Delights
A TED lecture by author/speaker Seth Godin on marketing in an era when the old “TV-industrial complex” is no longer as effective at reaching consumers as it once was.
Godin has a blog (who doesn’t?) by the way, which is worth checking out for its eclectic mix of provocative ideas about advertising, communications, and… stuff.
Posted by
Red Tory
6:46 AM
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Trade Twaddle
What an utter load of bollocks. NAFTA has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the offshoring of manufacturing jobs to China. Nothing. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Zero. If the NAFTA was scrapped tomorrow, it wouldn’t impact our trade with China one iota in terms of finished goods, although it might open up some more competitive opportunities for commodity exports. But then, that’s part of what Jack’s decrying here, so his huffy petulance really makes no sense at all. What a clueless twat.
h/t: Calgary Grit
Posted by
Red Tory
8:39 PM
Okla-Okla-Okla-Okla-Okla-Okla... Oklahoma!
Brand new state!
Brand new state, gonna treat you great!
Gonna give you barley, carrots and pertaters,
Pasture fer the cattle,
Spinach and termayters!
Flowers on the prarie where the June bugs zoom,
Plen’y of air and plen’y of room,
Plen'y of room to swing a rope!
Plen’y of heart and plen’y of hope.
Or maybe not. That is if you happen to be gay or lesbian. Meet Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern everybody. According to Pam Spaulding:
“She didn’t know that she was being recorded in a meeting, so we get a nice insight about what she thinks of her gay and lesbian constituents. Perhaps she doesn’t think she has any.Now, what happens when you get this sort of hateful, Bible-thumping wingnut sitting on the Education Committee? Why, I’m glad you asked. Behold and be... um, amazed:
About 30 seconds into this homobigoted, fact-free, BS screed, Rep. Kern actually says how she doesn’t hate gays (of course not!), then proceeds to continue on her tirade of filth.
I don’t think you need to guess which party Kern belongs to. This is a woman who sits on the Education Committee in the OK legislature. She’s also a member of Mother Schlafly’s Eagle Forum.”
The Oklahoma House of Representatives Education Committee has just approved House Bill 2211. The bill is expected to pass the full House, and then to go to the Senate. Its authors describe it as promoting freedom of religion in the public schools. In fact, it does the opposite.To, the next person who asks why I’m so adamantly opposed to religion (Coffee… are you listening?) please simply refer to this post.
The bill requires public schools to guarantee students the right to express their religious viewpoints in a public forum, in class, in homework and in other ways without being penalized. If a student’s religious beliefs were in conflict with scientific theory, and the student chose to express those beliefs rather than explain the theory in response to an exam question, the student’s incorrect response would be deemed satisfactory, according to this bill.
The school would be required to reward the student with a good grade, or be considered in violation of the law. Even simple, factual information such as the age of the earth (4.65 billion years) would be subject to the student’s belief, and if the student answered 6,000 years based on his or her religious belief, the school would have to credit it as correct. Science education becomes absurd under such a situation.
h/t: Dave (again!)
Posted by
Red Tory
4:31 PM
RMR: Liberals Back Down
Priceless Mercer:
We’re backing down! And loving it.
We said some things that we regret.
Pass your budget. Don’t mind us.
Sorry if we caused a fuss.
We’re backing down with a smile.
No election for a while.
Pass your budget. Take all week.
No one can understand our leader speak.
Pass your bills. Have no fear.
If anyone needs us we’re over here.
An election now just won’t do.
The future is lookin’ Tory blue.
“The Liberals… We’re adaptable.”
Posted by
Red Tory
9:55 AM
True Adventures of Chad: Swim Meet
Chad... The guy who was so into Super Monkey Ball Deluxe, that he decided to live in a ball!
Posted by
Red Tory
8:42 AM