Saturday, June 21, 2008
National Aboriginal Day
Pictured above is the Death of Tecumseh from a frieze in the Rotunda of the United States Capitol. Tecumseh, a brilliant Shawnee Indian chief, warrior, and orator, is shown being fatally shot by the American Colonel Johnson at the Battle of the Thames in Upper Canada (near Chatham, to be exact) during the War of 1812. Tecumseh and his followers joined forces with the British to resist the encroachment of settlers on Indian territory. For whatever it’s worth, Tecumseh is ranked 37th in The Greatest Canadian list, but some might argue his importance far exceeds such an insignificant tribute in light of his critical role in the defence of Canada during the War of 1812.
Posted by
Red Tory
4:16 PM
McCain Protected by “Cultural Safeguards”
Via the delightfully-named “Public Service Administration”:
Dedicated to those too squeamish to discuss an incident related to the temperament and character of a guy who'd like to be President. McCain’s freaky-mean ‘92 outburst is a well-sourced story found in Cliff Schecter’s book The Real McCain. Due to the particularly profane nature of the offense it would probably be useless to wait for the press to give it the full-on, endlessly repeating, 24-7 Reverend Wright treatment. So we’d love to help.
It would probably be unfair to hold McCain to account for one intemperate outburst from sixteen years ago where he used a particularly offensive word towards his wife in response to a trifling incident… I mean, it’s not like he’s ever blown up and launched into profanity laced outbursts in the Senate or anything… Err, what? Oh, really. Never mind.
Note: This is an uncensored version — highly NSFW. You’ve been warned.
Posted by
Red Tory
2:07 PM
Idiot Nation: Flunking “Skill-Testing Questions”
And what was the “skill-testing question” you ask. No advanced degrees in calculus required here, it was: 8 x 6 - 5 + 9. The correct answer, of course, is 52; something many people could easily work out in their head, or a sum quickly arrived at by any dolt with a calculator. But not Poitras… Oh no. Mind you, her answer was darned close…51; but still, no cigar. Given that these ridiculously simple questions are just a formality required to circumvent anti-gambling provisions of the Criminal Code (Wired has an excellent article on the subject here), the folks at Tim Horton’s gave Poitras a second chance and asked her to re-submit her claim. An opportunity which, with truly breathtaking stupidity, she managed blow by offering up THE SAME WRONG ANSWER!
Just ponder that for a moment and attempt, if you can, to fathom the catastrophic levels of idiocy required to provide the same wrong answer again in the hopes of somehow winning. What on earth was she thinking? For that matter, what was she thinking when naming her son “Keyano Bureau”? Hell, why didn’t she just go all the way and call him “Throat Mangrove Stoat Warbler” or some such thing? Well, in fairness, we’re helpfully informed by the reporter from Sun Media that Poitras has an unspecified “learning disability” which seems like a rather polite way of describing the condition of being a total fucking moron.
A little icing to the stupid cake is added by the Poitras’ huffy indignation when she was first (and yet again) informed that she’d answered the “skill testing” question incorrectly. “I think it’s wrong,” she said. “I didn’t enter a draw. I won it.” (a read of the rules, quickly dispels this misconception, by the way). Accordingly, the woman with the “learning disability” who was too stupid and/or lazy to double-check her answer with a calculator or have a friend verify it, proceeded to “harass” the company until they finally capitulated. “I wasn’t going to back off” Poitras said, describing her triumph.
Self-righteous and obdurately dumb as a bag of rocks… now, if that isn’t the epitome of The STEPHEN HARPER Party’s target demographic, I don’t know what is.
Posted by
Red Tory
1:33 PM
Green Shift: The “Conservative” Response
Ah yes, the “truth”… something that can only be used in an ironic sense whenever dealing with the Trusty One. Meanwhile, Don Drummond, the chief economist at TD Bank, speaking on CTV’s Canada AM morning program on Friday said Stéphane Dion’s “Green Shift” carbon tax plan is “a good start” that will leave the general Canadian taxpayer “better off.”
So, who are you going to “trust” — a prominent Canadian economist with the TD Bank, or a clueless, 20-something Kool-Aid® guzzler from Barrie?
Posted by
Red Tory
11:55 AM
Peabody’s Improbable History
Set the WABAC Machine for 1959… that’s the year Jay Ward’s classic cartoon first debuted as part of the show Rocky and His Friends.
Posted by
Red Tory
3:01 AM
McCain’s Address in Ottawa (Updated)
I’m just watching it live on CBC at the moment. I wonder if he realizes that all his laudatory praise for the “hard work” of deficit cutting and fiscal prudence compared to the profligacy of the Bush administration refers to previous Liberal governments. I can’t wait for the video to appear if/when it’s available.
Oooo, what a probing question by Stephen Taylor: “If you become President of the United States, will you make Canada your first foreign visit?” Groan.
Update: Here’s Taylor’s painfully dumb question from yesterday. Also, AMERICblog exposes the dodgy financing behind McCain’s campaign fundraising trip.
Posted by
Red Tory
2:48 AM
Friday, June 20, 2008
What did you expect… Maturity?
Update: It’s been pointed out that this feeble parody site was put together by Stephen Taylor and not the Conservative Party. Indeed, this is so — a fact not lost on me. However, given that grasping young fellow and venal hack is little more than a truckling creature of the PMO, I considered it a distinction without any appreciable difference.
Posted by
Red Tory
6:26 PM
Rate the New Liberal GreenShift Ad — Poll
Well, here’s the new advertisement that’s part of the Liberals’ “GreenShift” launch.
Seems like a good time for a poll — something we haven’t had nearly enough of around here lately.
Update: Advance-dated to keep this at the top for a while.
Oh, and welcome Conservatives and Dippers!
Update2: The combo ad is no longer available. The Libs have apparently re-posted the ads separately. Just an observation... but I wonder if having a big snail in the thumbnail to the video was necessarily the greatest idea. Seems to invite parody, if you ask me. One other thing (for what it’s worth) the poll was originally intended to apply to the first ad, but of course, you can rate them in aggregate if you prefer.
Posted by
Red Tory
6:00 PM
Insurance Jive
Here’s a clever PSA by the Office of the Los Angeles City Attorney Health Insurance Investigation and the Office of the Los Angeles City Attorney regarding denial of health insurance claims or coverage due to unlawful, fraudulent or unfair practices. This is the wonderful kind of “free market” healthcare system most of our friends at the “Blogging Tories” would just desperately love Canada to have if they had their druthers.
Called “Insurance Jive” it’s based on the true story of Patsy Bates. Health Net canceled – or “rescinded” – Patsy’s health insurance policy after this 52-year-old grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer, forcing Patsy to halt chemotherapy for several months while piling up $129,000 in medical bills. In the ad, which is inspired by the scene from Airplane where Barbara Billingsley translates “jive,” actress Beth Broderick plays a nurse who attempts to translate Insurance speak to a couple in her care.
Posted by
Red Tory
8:57 AM
Behemoth Stupidity
At the risk of pointing out the obvious — oddly, something that never seems to have occurred to Joanne — the imposition of a carbon tax doesn’t seem to have impeded the successful operation of numerous amusement parks in Europe (approximate 300). Indeed, the top ten including Tivoli Gardens, Legoland, Disneyland Paris, Europa Park and so on, all seem to be merrily humming along with visitors approaching 50 million people, despite carbon tax regimes that are significantly more comprehensive and punitive to consumers than that proposed by the Liberals. Funny that.
Also, it might be worth noting a couple of other things. The great icon of the Canadian tourist industry in question is actually owned by the Cedar Fair Entertainment Company of Sandusky, Ohio. Also, the overwhelming majority of Wonderland’s market is concentrated in and around Toronto. Accordingly, the facility is well served by public transit with the TTC, YRT, MT, etc. all providing specific, seasonal routes to the park.
Posted by
Red Tory
7:10 AM
Colbert Challenge: Emperor McCain
Part of the “McCain Green Screen Challenge” (“Make McCain Interesting!”), launched by Stephen Colbert subsequent to McCain’s dreadful speech in New Orleans several weeks ago, that was delivered in front of an unflattering green backdrop.
Posted by
Red Tory
12:45 AM
Dems: Heads in the Sand
Josh Marshall meets up with Matt Yglesias at The Strand bookstore in lower Manhattan where’s he was promoting his new foreign policy book Heads in the Sand: How the Republicans Screw Up Foreign Policy and Foreign Policy Screws Up the Democrats.
Somewhat related, but on the domestic front, is the Dems’ capitulation with a deal that would grant new spying powers to President Bush and arrange retroactive amnesty for telecommunications companies accused of illegal surveillance. Way to go Dems!
Meanwhile, Barack Obama has been mostly silent as the House caved into White House demands for more surveillance power. He’s advocated civil liberties and accountability during previous clashes over surveillance, voting against a White House spying bill in August, but sidestepped the issue this week, despite pleas from supporters that he speak out on this fundamental issue.
Posted by
Red Tory
12:42 AM
Meet the Natives (Ep.2 — Part 3)
“Seeing this place makes me think that something is back-to-front in English culture.” — Tanna tribesman, on visiting a dog grooming salon.
The quest for Prince Philip continues…
Posted by
Red Tory
12:29 AM
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Spitball of the Day: Part 4
It seems that, somehow or other, I “trample [the tradition of red toryism] to death”... Yikes! It’s not specified at all how this is so, but it sounds just downright rotten, doesn’t it? Perhaps his rationale for this allegation is my supposed indifference to the plight of aboriginal Canadians — a wholly ridiculous charge based on nothing more than my refusal to “debate” a petulant troll who then wildly extrapolated this rejection into a grotesque pack of lies about what he imagines my political outlook to be. Moreover, I’m accused of “insisting” that I “don’t need to behave like a red tory”… whatever that might possibly mean. One wonders how Red Tories “behave” exactly; or where they shop, for that matter.
Posted by
Red Tory
9:55 PM
EURO 2008: Germany v. Portugal
Germany progressed to the semi-finals of the UEFA European Championship for the first time since 1996 as goals from Bastian Schweinsteiger, Miroslav Klose and Michael Ballack secured a 3-2 victory over Portugal in Basel
Posted by
Red Tory
6:08 PM
End of the World: Oops! Better Luck Next Time...
Good grief, people can be stupid. This Yisrayl Hawkins character (aka “Buffalo Bill” Hawkins) is apparently known for predicting that nuclear war would start on September 12, 2006. He’s since amended that date multiple times as his deadlines passed without any clear incident, including the one made just the other week. Undeterred by reality however, Hawkins remains eternally hopeful that before too long, the entire world will be destroyed — except of course for his heavily fortified trailer park in Abeline, Texas. Praise Jesus! Hallelujah!
Posted by
Red Tory
1:44 PM
David Sedaris: City of Angeles
Sedaris is looking forward to an annual December visit from his friend Alisha. Alisha is the quiet laid back type of guest that feels comfortable lounging on the couch reading magazines and being ignored if her host is busy. She is always flexible with her plans and willing to do anything. As such, Sedaris always looks forward to her visits.
A few days before her annual visit, Alisha calls to tell Sedaris that she will be bringing a friend. Bonnie, a native of Greensborough, North Carolina, has never been anywhere outside a fifty mile radius of Greensborough. Alisha, consistently a poor judge of character, describes Bonnie as sweet. Immediately Sedaris is aware that the additional guest may be a problem...
Posted by
Red Tory
12:39 PM
GreenShift or GreenShaft?
Time to start digging into the details… Talking heads for the Canadian Taxpayer’s Federation are of course already bitching about it. A “Green Shaft” according to them; it’s nothing but a giant tax grab that will hurt the dreaded “soccer moms” and “hockey dads”… consumers and families are going to get screwed, yada yada yada…Well, perhaps. We shall see if sense can be made of it.
Posted by
Red Tory
11:48 AM
Oily Squeals!
Very clever. “Oily” the Conservatives’ spokesblob turns whistleblower about the sixteen Canadian lakes slated to be “reclassified” as toxic dump sites for mines.
Posted by
Red Tory
10:27 AM
BT Wanker of the Day: The “Pederast Brain”
Simply unbelievable:
Christians understand that, since the Fall, man inherits a corrupt, that is, sinful, nature through Adam. We are born into the world with defective, disordered natures. Put it this way: we are not sinners just because we sin; we sin because we are sinners. Homosexuality will continue to be seen, in this light, as objectively disordered against the objective standard of male and female which can be seen in nature, and, if you can’t see it there, in Scripture. The remedy is not the normalization of this or any other sin; it is Christ.
Urgh. And it actually gets even more perniciously idiotic from there. I really don’t have time for this today, but others may want to give the bouncing ball a few well-deserved kicks…
Posted by
Red Tory
8:54 AM
Prison Costs Booming… Imagine!
Here’s something else that’s completely obvious:
Mandatory sentences blamed for boom in cost of prisons
Imposing mandatory minimum prison terms on criminal offenders is adding approximately $80-million per year to the price of justice, says an Ontario judge privy to correctional statistics and projections.
“We have been told that federal correctional officials estimate they will increase the sentenced population by 1,000 prisoners per year,” the judge said in an interview.
It costs about $80,000 a year to keep a penitentiary inmate, so the additional burden of those on mandatory minimum sentences multiplies out to $80-million.
Yeah, but mandatory minimum sentences are necessary to stem the tidal wave of crime that’s engulfing us, right?
Prof. Doob said that studies have repeatedly shown that mandatory minimum sentences have no deterrent effect on prospective criminals and crime rates.
Very few criminals have any idea what sentencing ranges pertain to particular offences, he said, let alone being deterred by the prospect of drawing a certain sentence.
Note: Video isn’t “work-safe” due to course language.
Posted by
Red Tory
7:45 AM
Tiger Woods: “Man Who Used Stick To Roll Ball…”
I’ve been watching CNN this morning and every 20 minutes or so they’ve been featuring news that Tiger Woods has been sidelined for the remainder of the year due to knee surgery. I couldn’t help but think of this hilarious article from the The Onion:
A man who used several different bent sticks to hit a ball to an area comprised of very short grass surrounding a hole in the ground was praised for his courage Monday after he used a somewhat smaller stick to gently roll the ball into the aforementioned hole in fewer attempts than his competitors.
“What guts, what confidence,” ESPN commentator Scott Van Pelt said of the man, who was evidently unable to carry his sticks himself, employing someone else to hold the sticks and manipulate the flag sticking out of the hole in the ground while he rolled the ball into it. “You have to be so brave, so self-assured, so strong mentally to [roll a ball into a hole in the ground]. Amazing.” The man in question apparently hurt his knee during this activity.
Very droll.
Posted by
Red Tory
6:38 AM
From the Land of Duh: “Fighting Threatens Rebuilding”
Thanks for stating the completely bleeding obvious there, Pete. Not to be outdone in this regard, International Co-operation Minister Bev Oda, called the conditions in Kandahar “challenging”… No kidding. What a team! Pure genius, these two.
Posted by
Red Tory
6:09 AM
Hanging With McCain: “Bad Optics”
In another profile in courage, Stephen Harper will conveniently be out of town when Sen. John McCain comes to Ottawa to address the Economic Club of Canada. According to the lefty National Post, the PMO “concerned about the optics, also advised staff working for MPs to avoid the speech.” Golly, what a disappointment for the presumptive Republican nominee.
“Mr. McCain's advisors had hoped for a formal meeting with the Prime Minister or someone from the government, but were told there would be no meeting during his Ottawa visit.” Run away... run away!
Update: Greg Weston — Hide! It’s McCain!
Posted by
Red Tory
5:25 AM
While We’re Waiting…
Here’s widely demonized environmentalist David Suzuki from the Question Period program back in May discussing the idea of a carbon tax, the NDP’s puzzling opposition to it, the “Conservatives” failures on the environment, and the hopelessness of so-called “aspirational targets” that the government has established to supposedly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Some hints about the plan are outlined in The Star this morning, cribbed apparently from a 40 page booklet (“printed on recycled, biodegradable paper” it’s noted). Unfortunately though, the PDF version doesn’t appear to be on their website yet. Also, it’s reported that “Dion will unveil an array of other proposed measures” which aren’t specified.
So, it’s still wait and see until later in the day I guess…
Posted by
Red Tory
4:56 AM
Spitball of the Day: Part 3
But here’s where the fun begins. Presented as irrefutable counters to the imagined assertion on my part that literally “nobody” reads his blog, “The Diamond Kid” offers his IPLigence vistor map, which I think has been on his sidebar for well over a month and by my count indicates something like maybe 700 visitors in that time. Whoop-dee-doo! I get more than that in a day. But then, “The Mindbender” doesn’t care about popularity and sneers at it with elitist contempt. Second up, and this is truly desperate, the results of a poll that he’s had on his site since June 7 and in that time has received a whopping 27 votes. Wowza! Look out Gallup. Well, he sure showed me that he was wrong when he imagined that I said “nobody” read his blog, didn’t he?
Having demolished his feeble strawman with a powerful demonstration of the fact that very few people read his blog, “Thunderbolt Ross” then concludes, for no apparent reason, with the rhetorical question “who needs facts when you have ideology?” Indeed. What that has to do with anything however, isn’t clear… and what “ideology” is he referring to? Who knows? Maybe we’ll find out in the next thrilling installment.
Posted by
Red Tory
3:32 AM
The View: Michelle Obama
In case you missed it for some reason. Arguably, this and other daytime chatterfests are becoming far more influential than the Sunday yak shows like Meet the Press. Maybe not as bad a thing as one might first assume.
Posted by
Red Tory
2:42 AM
Countdown: McCain Raised Your Gas Prices!
Well, that seems to be the gist of this murky, convoluted tale Olbermann is spinning here. Oh sure, it’s somewhat intriguing and more than a little entertaining, but it seems like a bit of a stretch to pin the blame for high gas prices on McCain. There’s more on this to be found at Consortium News, where I suspect much of this jeremiad came from.
Posted by
Red Tory
2:07 AM
Meet the Natives (Ep.2 — Part 2)
“Everywhere I look, I can see black people, white people, every colour of people, all together…and they all look happy.” An observation made by one of the men from Tanna while exploring the streets of Manchester. Later, they find the concepts of homelessness and poverty difficult to comprehend compared to their island where no one is homeless and “everyone is equal in wealth”… Hmmm. What a crazy idea!
Posted by
Red Tory
1:27 AM
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Spitball of the Day: Part 2
It’s pretty laughable that “Tha Flamethrower” appears to think that his pompous bloviations on the Internet are going to make some tangible difference to the lives of aboriginal people in Canada — something I might add that otherwise appears not to be much of a pressing concern according to his own dismal little blog. Out of 551 posts at his perfectly described “Nexus of Assholery” it appears there’s precisely one dealing with aboriginal issues (and it was hacktacular mess that eventually wandered off topic and got hopelessly lost).
I really don’t know what this guy’s problem is. It’s not like I shut down the discussion or closed off comments or anything like that. I just said that I personally didn’t want to get into a “debate” over the matter, especially at that particular point in time. The post was intended to be about Pierre Poilievre’s horribly timed and ill-considered remarks, not a broader discussion that explored all the problems of the aboriginals in Canada. However, if people want to off on that tangent, well, nobody was stopping them. Good grief… what’s so hard to understand about that. It’s beyond me how “The Mindbender” twists this into a “Fuck that… Fuck them” attitude on my part towards the plight of native people living in desperate poverty and maladministration by the government over many decades. As I said at the time, it’s a fair discussion to have, that however just wasn’t the appropriate venue or time in my opinion.
And this has to be one of the dumbest things ever written: “Better to turn your back on those thousands of people living in poverty than to ever dirty your hands ever talking about how to solve that problem.” Yeah, because talking about it and blathering ad nauseam on the Internet can really make a BIG difference to the lives of native peoples in Canada. Golly, thank goodness our aboriginals have “Thunderbolt Ross” working fantastically hard to improve their lives by pissing off all sorts of people around the web and throwing petulant tantrums whenever they elect not to engage in one of his self-serving “debates” regarding an issue that’s suddenly of great concern to him. As for this notion of dirtying one’s hands, perhaps “Kid Cash” should try cleaning his keyboard in order to remove his defluxion and/or past seminal discharge… Just a suggestion. Oh, and here’s another one. The word is spelled “caricature” — I told you that before, you pompous baboon; but you still don’t seem to get it.
Posted by
Red Tory
8:56 PM
Bill C-10: Cons Outfoxed by the Senate
I’m pretty sure that I’ve posted this before, but it seemed appropriate in light of the predictable reaction of the government that’s expected to Liberals in the Senate calling Flaherty’s bluff on Bill C-10. As Frank says, “We should be hearing ‘unelected, unaccountable, unrepresentative Senate’ over and over again any minute now.” Undoubtedly.
I don’t know why some people are so pissed at Stéphane Dion for the way he handled this. Contrary to the shrill allegations that he and Liberal MPs are gutless, spineless, rudderless, coalition of “shrinking violets” with an “utter lack of resolve, direction and courage,” I’m opting instead for what’s presumed to be “the least likely scenario” — that is, the exercise of “political acumen” by Dion in allowing the Upper House to take the lead on this matter. It seems to me that everything worked out quite well, all considered. So what’s the problem?
Update: Unrepentant Old Hippie has more. Today, Chuck McVety’s rotten and twisted censorship dreams were dashed upon the rocks of reason, sanity and freedom by two Liberal Senators…
Posted by
Red Tory
6:43 PM
Vestas: Modern Energy
Very cool promotional film for the Danish company Vestas that claims to be “the world’s leading supplier of wind power solutions.”
Posted by
Red Tory
1:20 PM
Kate McMillan: “Frighteningly Ignorant”
This was in response to the original post at SDA that claiming that “the actual trapping of heat cannot raise an object’s temperature in the first place. It only slows down heat loss.”
As usual, the comments at Pharyngula are hilarious. Here’s Mark who says: “It’s just creationist science taken to the next step. Since evolution is impossible because of the 2nd Law of thermodynamics, we know there is no external source of heat (the sun is simply an illusion, so don’t mention it). Therefore, trapping the existing heat on earth cannot increase earth’s temperature. Simple, right?”
Posted by
Red Tory
1:00 PM
Afghanistan: What Now?
Fred Kaplin in Slate:
Meanwhile, Taliban attacks are up considerably from last year despite increases in NATO and Afghan troop levels. Gen. Dan McNeill, who recently finished a 16-month tour as NATO commander in Afghanistan, said last week that we need 400,000 troops to control the country. There are now just 110,000 (including 58,000 from the still-green Afghan National Army) and few prospects for recruiting many more—none for remotely approaching McNeill’s desired head count.
What a horrific mess. Kaplin concludes that a “grand bargain” of some sort has to be struck, but notes that the nations involved “have so many disputes, so many conflicting interests, it is hard to imagine what the outlines of such a deal would look like.” Indeed.
Posted by
Red Tory
12:02 PM
Terrorism Tutorial
From the The Onion Movie (released on DVD this month, apparently).
Posted by
Red Tory
10:50 AM
“Shift Happens” (Updated)
Should be interesting to see the actual plan when it’s rolled out tomorrow. I wonder how all the advance speculation by critics will stand up to scrutiny when the details are finally revealed. I suspect the dreaded Tax on Everything™ imagined by hysterical Tory partisans will, as usual, turn out to be a lot of poppycock. As Paul Wells said the other day, “The advance reviews are so awful, it has to be good.” Quite so.
Update: Garth has a great post on this today. “The differences between the GST and the Green Shift are legion and, to the consumer and taxpayer, there will be no valid comparison. Once you see the plan tomorrow you will understand this is not a retail tax. It will not increase any prices overnight. It will come with billions in tax cuts and new benefits that increase the cash flow of every family. It’ll spur businesses to take corrective action. It will shame the Conservatives who have cried wolf.”
Update2: Interesting post and comments at Scott Tribe’s place about the poaching of ideas from the Green Party regarding Dion’s proposed carbon tax (or whatever it finally gets called) and how that might play out in terms of electoral politics. From The Star: “With its more sweeping taxes and savings, the Green plan may help pave the way to making the Liberal plan look more modest and practical, though Green Leader Elizabeth May, already in an informal co-operation pact with Dion, says that’s not the motivation.”
Posted by
Red Tory
10:46 AM
Ugh! The Stupid, It Burns!
Some people just don’t know when to quit. What purpose does this serve? How is it helpful in any way at all? It’s totally counterproductive. I’m sure the GOP strategists will be delighted however. Complete idiocy…
Posted by
Red Tory
10:29 AM
Blogging from Brussels
Check out his travelogue — it’s tremendous fun.
Posted by
Red Tory
9:36 AM
Kunstler: The Tragedy of Suburbia
In James Howard Kunstler’s view, public spaces should be inspired centers of civic life and the physical manifestation of the common good. Instead, he argues, what we have in America is a nation of places not worth caring about.
I may have posted this in the past, but it bears repeating.
Posted by
Red Tory
9:04 AM
Countdown: Best Dumb Criminals
Via Blue State: A man allegedly threatened his girlfriend, so police were summoned. Upon the officers’ arrival, the man looked at his 9 foot long albino python, pointed at the policemen, and told the snake, “Get them.”
Posted by
Red Tory
8:35 AM
McCain: Environmental Confusion or Smart Move?
It’s certainly a flip-flop from his past stance on “windfall profits” on the oil producers and the decision to support offshore drilling, but so what? Personally, I happen to agree with both of McCain’s reversals. Offshore drilling certainly won’t have any immediate impact whatsoever on gas prices, but are the objections to this method of extraction justified? Why exactly is there a huge “No Zone” around most of the United States? Increasing domestic production seems to make a lot of sense in view of the rapidly growing global demand.
Update: More on the political take from the left.
Posted by
Red Tory
7:37 AM
Fortier “Awash” in Money…
Kind of interesting to see how much money has been raised by various cabinet ministers though.
I’d be highly curious to know how much money Scott Brison raised when he was Minister of Public Works and Government Services… Does anyone know?
Posted by
Red Tory
5:50 AM
Rule Britannia!
Canada by the way, is the sixth-biggest supplier of military goods to the world, according to the most recent report by the U.S. Congressional Research Service. The former government’s last annual report to Parliament, for 2002, showed that military exports had climbed to $678 million from $304 million in 1997.
Current figures are unavailable however and requests by the CBC for in-depth interviews with International Trade Minister David Emerson and Foreign Affairs Minister Maxime Bernier regarding arms controls have been denied. The CBC News also states that “for a full year, requests for background briefings by export control officials were also turned down.” So much for the Harper government’s vaunted “transparency.” Oh, and according to the Small Arms Survey, a Geneva-based monitoring group, Canada’s transparency rating on arms controls dropped to 10.5 on a scale out 20, just above that of Iran with a rating of 11. Hmmm. How impressive.
Posted by
Red Tory
5:04 AM
David Sedaris: Bend Over and Say “Ah”
I’ve become a huge fan of Sedaris lately. This reading is from series of essays about his life as “An American in Paris” that I believe were originally broadcast on NPR. Here he discusses his various phobias, hypochondriac imaginings and the “systematic breakdown” of his body. Americans readers will perhaps be envious of the treatment he received in the French health care system, especially the lackadaisical approach to billing that makes Sedaris observe “it was as if everyone was on Demerol.”
Posted by
Red Tory
4:33 AM
Spitball of the Day: Part 1
Above is the second paragraph of his didactic tantrum and already there’s four blatant lies. Does Kid Cash even know what “intemperate” means? Perhaps he should look it up. Also, what the heck does it mean to be “an intemperate”? Apparently The Mindbender doesn’t understand what an adverb is.
What are these supposed “inflated pseudo-controversies” that the Diamond Kid alleges me to constantly jump on? It’s a blog, for chrissake! If he’s referring to the usual Sturm und Drang and political memes that are grist for the mill, well then I’m no different from untold thousands of others in that regard. And since when did I claim to be “an original thinker”? Oh right, never.
Supposedly, Cynic is my “lord and master”… Uh huh. This is just more spillover from The Flamethrower’s pathological obsession with Cynic which is truly pathetic; a delusional fixation that borders on being downright creepy and weird. The guy even attempts to flog T-shirts that libelously malign the guy on his dismal little blog.
Do I “pretend to be an intellectual”? Well, I suppose, but the alleged pretense is simply The Flamethrower’s imagination at work. Do I refuse “to ever debate a real issue? It seems to me there have been a lot of lively “debates” or, as I prefer to regard them “discussions” around here — maybe he should check the comments (something that never occurs on his obscure corner of the web). Of course, this petulant bit of hyperbole is based on the fact that I didn’t want to discuss the broader issue of aboriginal affairs on a post where I was just pointing out that Pierre Poilievre’s comments on a radio program the same day as the Residential School Apology was being made were grotesque, insulting and wholly inappropriate. Being a classic troll however, Thunderbolt Ross wanted to change the subject and commandeer the thread with a “debate” he demanded be undertaken. Well, sorry Patrick, but I don’t bend so easily to the self-serving whims of trolls.
Posted by
Red Tory
4:07 AM
Baxter’s World
Glen Baxter is a British cartoonist who’s created a bizarre world peopled by cowboys and Robin Hoods along with a lot of food-related humour and artistic references thrown into the mix to create what Baxter describes as a place “where surreal humour and tofu collide.”
Posted by
Red Tory
3:30 AM
Meet the Natives (Ep.2 — Part 1)
If you’ve missed earlier parts of the series, this is a good place to pick up the thread of the story of the five ambassadors from the remote South Pacific island of Tanna who travel to the other side of the world to experience traditional English culture.
Posted by
Red Tory
2:55 AM
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Boris on Getting Ahead
I have also brooded on the results of some study in Australia, which showed that making bike helmets compulsory deterred so many people from cycling that there was a rise in obesity — and more people ended up dying of heart attacks than were saved by the head-gear.
Heh. More from/about Boris and his “bonce-protector” (or lack thereof, to be more precise) writing in this morning’s Telegraph.
Irrespective of his politics, I truly like this character. We need more public figures like this.
Posted by
Red Tory
12:28 PM
Al Gore (Finally) Endorses Obama
Oh sure, the Gore-haters will have a field day, but so what? And yes, it was inevitable, completely predictable and hardly a profile in courage… Some may gripe that he should have provided his endorsement earlier in the race, but such people clearly have short memories and fail to recall that that his premature support was perhaps the proverbial “kiss of death” for the Dean campaign in 2004, marking the beginning of the end that the defeat in Iowa a few weeks later only served to place an exclamation point on.
Posted by
Red Tory
11:02 AM
Nonsense with Nicholls
“What Jevons failed to take into account was that higher prices would inevitably lead the market to find alternatives to coal — ie oil.”
Possibly the dumbest post, ever. Really, it staggers the mind that someone can actually be this catastrophically stupid and ill-informed.
First of all, the development of the commercial petroleum industry didn’t arise as an “alternative” to coal. Until the spread of the automobile in the early 20th century, the major uses of petroleum were as buggy-wheel grease and kerosene lamp fuel. But quite aside from that, and contrary to Nicholl’s ridiculous assertion, coal prices were actually falling during the period in question. For example, in 1830 anthracite coal sold for about $11 per ton. Ten years later, the price had dropped to $7 per ton and by 1860 anthracite sold for about $5.50 a ton. Improved mining methods and the emergence of coke as a major fuel source resulted in record amounts of coal being raised with production nearing 80 million tons by 1880. Even so, coal prices remained relatively low. To a large extent, it was cheap coal that that helped America’s rapidly industrializing economy.
The parallel between the present “oil crisis” (largely driven by wild commodity speculation and market uncertainty) and the peaking of British coal extraction imagined by Jevons is superficial and tenuous at best.
Update: Nicholls responds in the comments with a bit of snark, stating: “It’s Jevons who talked about rising coal prices, not me.” Oh, but sadly, he’s wrong yet again. Jevons contended that improving energy efficiency typically REDUCED energy costs and thereby increased rather than decreased energy use — something that’s essential to his “paradox” and key to understanding his speculative theories about the “peaking” of coal.
Posted by
Red Tory
7:30 AM
L’affaire Couillard: The gift that keeps on giving…
Quelques jours avant d’apparaître fièrement au bras de Maxime Bernier, qui allait prêter serment comme ministre des Affaires étrangères du Canada, Julie Couillard avait eu une bonne nouvelle du gouvernement Harper: sa mère venait d’obtenir une nomination du Conseil des ministres fédéral.
Groan. Will this dreadfully sordid thing never end?
Le côté délicat de cette nomination a échappé, a-t-on appris, au lieutenant québécois de Stephen Harper, le titulaire des Transports Lawrence Cannon, qui est responsable à ce titre des nominations politiques.
Quel surprise! Again.
Posted by
Red Tory
6:01 AM
David Frum: The Wrong Man
It’s always mystified me why anybody listens to this profoundly silly man who, like Bill Kristol, has been, and most probably always will be, wrong on just about everything. Here, for example, is some priceless idiocy from yesterdays TNR: “I have my own personal nomination for vice president for McCain. It’s Rudy Giuliani, precisely because he shares the vision of a practical, reforming, war-winning Republican Party that inspires John McCain, plus the stronger-than-usual grounds for hoping that he might be the rare candidate who can make a difference in an essential state — in this case, New Jersey.”
Um, Earth to David… Aside from the fact that he’s a nasty, mean-spirited loon with numerous positions (e.g., abortion, immigration, gay rights, etc.) that are completely intolerable to so-called “values voters” and hard line conservatives, there’s also the fact that he: used police & tax money to pamper his mistress; surrounded himself with corrupt and criminal friends (felons, molesters and embezzlers); married his cousin (and divorced her); had several extra-marital affairs; divorced his second wife (in a very ugly way); has alleged mob ties; was responsible for Bernie Kerik disgrace; was implicated in numerous scandals; and… well, you get the idea.
Update: Translating Frum Ferengi. Hilarious.
Posted by
Red Tory
5:26 AM
Monday, June 16, 2008
Late Show: Get Smart
The King Lives — Season 3 • Episode 14 (1968)
Max temporarily takes over for a king that looks exactly like him in a parody of The Prisoner of Zenda.
Posted by
Red Tory
6:44 PM
Tewwible “Tories”
Posted by
Red Tory
2:33 PM
Oily — We Hardly Knew Yee!
Update: You say goodbye, I say ‘Yoo hoo’: Was Oily the Splot meant to damage Dion, or just do damage control?
Posted by
Red Tory
10:10 AM
Harper’s “New” Politics
Getting a bit tired, isn’t it?
Posted by
Red Tory
9:22 AM
New AP Rules: Bad News for Bloggers?
The news agency Associated Press has sparked a furious debate over the fair use of material by bloggers after its lawyers issued a takedown notice last week to a small, independent news site that it claims had quoted too heavily from its news stories. AP said six instances of copyright violation had taken place involving seven items that contained quotations from AP articles ranging from 39 to 79 words. Yikes!
While this may not be an altogether bad thing in some respects, it remains to be seen how restrictive or practicable the guidelines reportedly now being developed by the AP are. The push back has already started with indignant bloggers like Jeff Jarvis at Buzz Machine and Michael Arrington at TechCrunch leading the charge.
Posted by
Red Tory
7:52 AM
Dick On: Optimism
Dick Driben, independent Whig Party write-in candidate for president, is about optimism. And in this world, with an endless supply of doom and gloom politicians, we need the light of hope. Dick Driben embodies that light.
Posted by
Red Tory
7:04 AM
Meet the Natives (Ep.1 — Part 4)
Traditional rabbit hunting using ferrets and nets… If you don’t want to see a bunnies gets their necks broken or can’t stand the sight of a rabbit being skinned, don’t watch.
Posted by
Red Tory
6:48 AM
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Stephen Taylor’s “Associates”…
Why does Junky Paul assert something so vile and outrageous, you ask? Apparently, because a scurrilous anti-Turkey and anti-Muslim letter that was anonymously e-mailed to many so-called “counter-jihad” blogs on the web claims that the targets of a recently uncovered criminal scheme in Istanbul “were always non-Muslims.” (No proof whatsoever of this is provided, however.)
And uh-oh! This claim doesn’t seem to be supported by any of the legitimate newspaper reports, although one does mention that three of the “many” victims involved were non-Muslim. Considering the total value of the properties extorted by the gang is reportedly $30 million, there must have been quite a considerable number of victims involved. Rather than being “infidels” it seems being old and lonely made them targets of the scheme — most probably their religion was quite irrelevant to the criminals involved.
As for the opinion that Junky Paul blithely repeats that “The precepts laid out in the Koran and the hadith were adhered to, and the victims were chosen carefully to avoid targeting the faithful”… well, aside from being unsupported by the facts, it turns out to be that of an admitted racist and neo-Nazi apologist — the self-styled “Baron” Bodissey at the nutty Gates of Vienna website.
I wonder if Stephen Taylor is proud of the fact that his “Blogging Tories” has become home to so many hysterical racists, neo-Nazi “spooks” and fanatical anti-Muslim bigots that gleefully leverage traffic from his aggregator to pedal such malicious lies and fabrications to the wider public. Maybe he doesn’t care, but it certainly doesn’t shine much of a favorable light on the “Conservative” Party of Canada whom these people ostensibly support.
Posted by
Red Tory
6:35 PM
Orwell Rolls in His Grave
All over Oceania this morning there were irrepressible spontaneous demonstrations when workers marched out of factories and offices and paraded through the streets with banners voicing their gratitude to Big Brother for the new, happy life which his wise leadership has bestowed upon us.
For the moment [Winston] had shut his ears to the remoter noises and was listening to the stuff that streamed out of the telescreen. It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it… with the stupidity of an animal. — George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four
From Rotten Tomatoes:
Director Robert Kane Pappas’ documentary film is the consummate critical examination of the Fourth Estate, once the bastion of American democracy. Asking whether America has entered an Orwellian world of doublespeak where outright lies can pass for the truth, Pappas explores what the media doesn’t like to talk about: itself.
Meticulously tracing the process by which media has distorted and often dismissed actual news events, Pappas presents a riveting and eloquent mix of media professionals and leading intellectual voices on the media.
New York University media professor Mark Crispin Miller says, “These commercial entities now vie with the government for control over our lives. They are not a healthy counterweight to government. Goebbels said that what you want in a media system – he meant the Nazi media system – is to present the ostensible diversity that conceals an actual uniformity.”
From the very size of the media monopolies and how they got that way to who decides what gets on the air and what doesn’t, Orwell Rolls in His Grave moves through a troubling list of questions and news stories that go unanswered and unreported in the mainstream media. Are Americans being given the information a democracy needs to survive or have they been electronically lobotomized? Has the frenzy for media consolidation led to a dangerous irony where in an era of more news sources the majority of the population has actually become less informed?
Update: I swapped the video. This one has a much better quality picture and French subtitles.
Posted by
Red Tory
1:18 PM
The American Dream in Reverse?
Are we living in a second gilded age?
“We’ve been living the American dream in reverse... Adjusting for inflation, average wages are lower than they were in the 1970s. Our minimum wage, adjusting for inflation, is lower than it was in the 1950s. One of the things going on is that income and wealth inequality have gone back to the 1920s. We are back at levels that we saw right before the Great Depression.” — Holly Sklar
From Friday’s Bill Moyers Journal, Holly Sklar, co-author of Raise the Floor: Wages and Policies That Work for All of Us discusses what current economic conditions say about the state of the American dream.
Unfortunately, under previous Liberal governments and even more so now under Stephen Harper’s so-called “Conservative” regime, we seem destined to head down the same path in lockstep with our American friends.
Related: Letters to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) from working families across Vermont when he asked people to tell him what was going on in their lives economically.
Posted by
Red Tory
11:17 AM
MPFC: Working-Class Playwright
Happy Father’s Day to all those fellow “bad dads” out there.
Posted by
Red Tory
10:36 AM
McCain v. McCain
The Jed Report offers up one of the more effective juxtapositions of McCain contradicting himself on his support and/or non-support of George W. Bush.
Increasingly, it seems to depend on the day, time and location of when and to whom McCain is speaking whether he’s been a loyal supporter of Bush’s most salient (“transcendent”) policies, or instead, has been a renegade “maverick” bucking the administration on key issues. It’s a bit of a no-win situation for him — on the one hand he needs to court the pro-Bush “conservative” base of the GOP by demonstrating his past allegiance, while at the same time distancing himself sufficiently to attract independents and Republicans disaffected by the current regime. It’s doubtful whether McCain is acrobatically supple enough to achieve that political balancing act over time.
Posted by
Red Tory
9:25 AM
Paging “Dr.” McVety…
Well, in some respects, he most certainly is, but I’m not referring to his nutty and thoroughly dishonest efforts to promote Creationism in public schools by utterly misrepresenting evolutionary science as being an embodiment of the “last vestiges of the horrible scourge of racism”… No, I’m talking about something more questionable that seems to have been hiding in plain sight for many years — his credentials.
Thanks to the intrepid efforts of a number of bloggers, it would appear that “Doctor” McVety’s degree from the highly dubious California State Christian University (CSCU) may be nothing more than a “cheap Korean knock off.” Pictured above, by the way, is the university campus as shown on the contact page of the CSCU’s amateurish website and next to it, the satellite version of the same location. Clearly, there’s no “campus” in the considerable area highlighted (which is just north of the Orange County airport) and street views appear to confirm its absence, unless it’s disguised as a series of commercial warehouses and nondescript suburban office buildings.
Bill Kinnon at Achievable Ends seems to have quite conclusively demonstrated that the CSCU isn’t actually an accredited Christian University or Seminary. No point in re-inventing a well-crafted wheel, so I encourage you to read the whole thing — it’s quite amusing to say the least. ToujoursDan at Culture Choc likewise does some stellar investigative work chasing down the same rabbit holes in pursuit of “Dr.” McVety’s credentials, along the way calling into question his “honorary D.Litt degree” from the apparently non-existent Saint-Petersburg State University.
So, let me add my voice to what might eventually become a growing chorus of bloggers calling on the mainstream press to start doing some serious digging into the qualifications of this man who presumes to speak for the “moral majority” in this country and who is regularly cited in major newspapers and on television as an authoritative spokesman of the Christian Right. Is he a “Dr.” and, for that matter, is he even a “Reverend”? Answering these questions and putting our doubts to rest should be an easy matter if his credentials are authentic. If however they turn out not to be, then perhaps his veracity regarding other matters of public interest such as his high-profile fundraising and lobbying activities should also be subject to a little more curious scrutiny.
Posted by
Red Tory
5:00 AM
Medieval Lives: The Knight
Real medieval knights, shining or otherwise, had little interest in rescuing damsels in distress. Terry Jones reveals they were more interested in the less noble pursuits of killing people, making money and being famous.
Posted by
Red Tory
3:54 AM
Meet the Natives (Ep.1 — Part 3)
The lads from Tanna are introduced to the concept of artificial insemination and find this method of pig farming “very strange” and while they recognize it may be more profitable, it seemingly “goes against nature.” A life drawing class with a nude model and the neighborhood pub are also experienced.
Posted by
Red Tory
2:13 AM
Euro2008: Top Five Goals
Official Euro2008 website and complete event coverage from BBC and Sky.
Posted by
Red Tory
12:51 AM
Newsnight: Pluck of the Irish
This is like the dead parrot sketch in Monty Python. Is it dead or isn’t it? Is it sleeping? Is it dormant? It’s dead! — Gavin Esler
Excerpts from BBC’s Newsnight program showing the reaction to Ireland’s negative vote on the proposed Lisbon Treaty.
The Times hailed the Irish “no” vote on the Lisbon Treaty as a victory against “a process hitherto shrouded in jargon and pushed along by the civil servants who invented it.” It said the vote, that was more than 53% opposed, was in Ireland’s own interest, because approval would have meant a dilution of its influence under the proposed changes to majority voting in the enlarged bloc.
Posted by
Red Tory
12:05 AM