Saturday, February 23, 2008
L’il Beauty Queens: Part 1 & 2
Let’s shuffle the deck a bit and introduce you to another bizarre form of “child abuse”… Yes, it’s the despicable world of beauty pageants for the little kiddie-winks. Any parallels with the pre-pubescent evangelists is wholly intentional. This is like a Christopher Guest film… but REAL!
Posted by
Red Tory
8:47 PM
A Rational Interlude
A debate from 1999 (LWT) regarding belief, hosted by Melvyn Bragg with Gore Vidal, The Reverend Keith Ward and Baroness Susan Greenfield. In stellar form, Vidal neatly dispenses with Kant’s hackneyed argument that religion is a moral necessity and puts a finer point on the difference between agnosticism and atheism. By the way, isn’t the good reverend just full of the most inane twaddle? Marcus Aurelius was some sort of quasi-Christian even though he was a resolute stoic. What utter nonsense. Oh, and in fairness, Vidal quite inexcusably is waaaay off base in his chronology there, but that’s another matter.
Posted by
Red Tory
7:32 PM
Baby Bible Bashers: Part 1 & 2
After watching this series of videos it’s hard not to side with Richard Dawkins’ contention that the indoctrination of children in the teachings of religion is a form of child abuse. Of course, these are extreme examples, much in the same way as the frighteningly zealous “God warriors” portrayed in the film “Jesus Camp” are, but they exist nonetheless and may perhaps be more prevalent than we might first think.
This notion of “child abuse” is one that, quite frankly, I still have some degree of difficulty coming to terms with, and certainly the backlash from the “faith community” has been one of furious outrage and indignation. A Google search on the topic will rapidly produce a balance of postings at least 50 to 1 from infuriated believers who find the whole idea insulting, “completely stupid” or otherwise beneath contempt.
Well, I’m not convinced by their acrimonious protestations. Funnily enough, in many of them, it seems there’s a good deal of moral relativism involved; the argument being that there are plenty of worse forms of “child abuse” (which undoubtedly there are, but it’s beside the point) or that, on balance, the benefits of religious indoctrination outweigh any conceivable downside. What benefits accrue from such teachings escapes me… a moral code, one presumes. But surely this is something that can be nurtured quite independent of religion.
Anyway, be amazed… and horrified.
Note: The video quality is a bit dodgy in parts.
h/t: Dave!
Posted by
Red Tory
6:17 PM
Dead Ringers: The Weakest Disciple
We now resume normal programming...
Posted by
Red Tory
6:11 PM
Trying to make things a bit more “reader friendly” or something of that nature. The site will probably look like shit for the next day or so. Bear with me.
Update: Ta da! Well, that’ll have to do for now. A lick o’paint, a lick o’paint… as Basil Fawlty’s hapless, cut-rate repairman would say.
Posted by
Red Tory
11:24 AM
MediaCurves: McCain’s Denial Presser
More on McCain's recent presser denying suggestions of impropriety made in the New York Times.
What is MediaCurves? From the company's website:™ provides the media and general public with a venue to view Americans’ perceptions of popular and controversial media events and advertisements.™ conducts national studies to obtain Americans’ views on advertisements, talk show appearances by political figures, and controversial statements by actors, actresses, political figures and sports personalities.
Oh boy, with all the election coverage, this is going to be fun! By the way, quite interesting isn't it how closely the Democratic and Independent responses track almost exactly the same...
Posted by
Red Tory
8:13 AM
Friday, February 22, 2008
A Disregard for Science
ht: Red Canuck
Posted by
Red Tory
6:07 PM
What's in a Name?
It's always something of a mystery why raving sociopaths choose the names they do... I leave it to you to ponder why SDA's virulently racist commenter "John West" selected this particular handle.
Posted by
Red Tory
4:48 PM
Optical Illusions
Courtesy of reader Dave, check out this dazzling site filled with some really marvellous, and sometimes infantile, optical illusions. (Warning: Make sure you've taken your Dilantin® first.) On a semi-related note, allow me to recommend a wonderful book "Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid" by Douglas Hofstadter that plumbs the interrelationship between form and content.
"These pages demonstrate visual phenomena, and 'optical' or 'visual illusions'. The latter is more appropriate, because most effects have their basis in the visual pathway, not in the optics of the eye."
Posted by
Red Tory
3:19 PM
Dead Ringers: Labour vs Conservatives
Easy to make parallels to our own situation... Liberals, Conservatives... Really, what's the bloody difference? The Afghanistan file is a brilliant case in point.
Posted by
Red Tory
12:42 PM
Slang Time with Stéphane Dion
Some definite comic possibilities here...
Surely some Lib whiz-kid can come up with something better directed at Harper along these lines. The effect is pretty amusing regardless, but I'm sure we can do better.
UPDATE: Come on Libs... Visit this pathetic site and tell me you can't come up with something more devastatingly funny, cutting and viscously honest.
Posted by
Red Tory
11:41 AM
The Republicans' Fear Factor
This latest melodramatic ad by the GOP complaining about expiration of The Protect America Act is, as Glenn Greenwald points out, Republican politics in a nutshell. "Impressively, the ad dramatically packs every component of GOP politics into one minute: There are dark, primitively omnipotent Arab Terrorists lurking darkly and menacingly, planning to slaughter you and your whole entire family right now. You have only a few seconds to live, literally or metaphorically. The clock on your life is counting down right now. You are in severe danger." Thankfully, it seems many Americans are growing sick and tired of this fear-mongering bullshit.
Posted by
Red Tory
6:38 AM
Doris Kearns Goodwin on Abraham Lincoln
The always delightful Doris Kearns Goodwin shares details from her most recent book, "Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln."
Maybe, like me, you've sometimes amused yourself by putting together an imaginary dinner party in your head and have wondered which five (or ten, or whatever) famous people you would invite... Well, Goodwin would definitely be on my list.
Posted by
Red Tory
5:31 AM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Story Pirates: Flying Cats
A short movie based on a sentence by Jah-Kym McMillan (age 8).
Posted by
Red Tory
11:23 AM
Tweety Sandbags an Obama Supporter
An Obama supporter (State Sen. Kirk of Texas) isn't up for "Hardball" but Matthews is utterly stumped when asked to name one significant legislative accomplishment of the Senate as a whole. Zing!
Posted by
Red Tory
5:45 AM
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
From Persia to Iran
The first part of an elegant slide show by Farhad Nabipour that combines marvelous images of Achaemenid architecture, sculpture and artifacts juxtaposed with pictures of modern Iran, together with a soundtrack by Pink Floyd. An odd mixture perhaps, but surprisingly effective. Probably even better when slightly stoned.
Posted by
Red Tory
11:14 PM
Fiat Empire
A interesting documentary film that maintains the Federal Reserve's practices are a violation of the U.S. Constitution. Seems to make a lot of sense to me, but of course, that doesn't mean much. I'm pretty hopeless when it comes to economics; confuses the dickens out of me.
Posted by
Red Tory
7:25 PM
Great Moments In Presidential Speeches
A compilation of some of Bush's more hilarious moments. Many are genuinely funny, and not necessarily in a mean-spirited way.
Posted by
Red Tory
1:33 PM
Faux News: Fair, Balanced... And Credible!
Ah, Bill... What a poltroon. He really needs to get a grip on his irrational loathing of NBC News.
Posted by
Red Tory
3:58 AM
Barbarians: End of the World
Ironically, the story of two babies born at the same time…
Posted by
Red Tory
1:38 AM
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
It's Over, Hillary
After tonight's results I'd be quite surprised if she managed to pull a win out of Texas, and even Ohio that supposedly plays to her lower income demographics, is starting to look iffy. Time to face facts: Hillary is through. She's fallen and she can't get up. Let's hope Dr. Dean pulls the pull on this trainwreck before too long.
UPDATE: Despite several days of coverage on CNN suggesting that Hawaii (a plum assignment) would be "competitive" Obama blew Clinton out of the water by a margin of 3-1. So much for the prescience of reporters in the field.
UPDATE2: Oh no. It seems I'm in the same camp with the likes of Larry Kudlow. Maybe there's hope for Clinton yet. Larry's almost always wrong about absolutely everything.
Posted by
Red Tory
9:14 PM
Newsflash: Brit Hume, Still a Douchebag
Oh my God, Michelle Obama is a liberal! And even worse, she might be that most heinous and treasonous kind... an "Arts liberal"! Heaven help us all. Gee, I wonder what Alexander Britton Hume, Sr. studied at the University of Virginia... Any guesses?
Posted by
Red Tory
8:20 PM
Barbarians: The Primitive Celts
Here's the first episode of the series.
Posted by
Red Tory
8:40 AM
And Now For Something Completely Different: Brainy Barbarians
So you think you know everything about the Romans, do you? They gave us sophisticated road systems, chariots and the modern-day calendar. And of course they had to contend with barbarian hordes who continually threatened the peace, safety and prosperity of their Empire. Didn't they? Terry Jones' "Barbarians" takes a completely different approach to Roman history. Not only does it offer us the chance to see the Romans from a non-Roman perspective, it also reveals that most of the people written off by the Romans as uncivilized, savage and barbaric were in fact organized, motivated and intelligent groups of people, with no intentions of overthrowing Rome and plundering its Empire.
This episode focuses on the inventiveness of different peoples that the Romans regarded as "barbarians," Although that's perhaps stretching the term a bit beyond its conventional definition because in this case it's applied mainly to the Greeks of Syracuse and Rhodes, and to the Parthians (successors to the Persians).
The first part of the series is available at Guba.
Posted by
Red Tory
2:11 AM
A Bumpy Ride Ahead
Unsurprising results so far, but as noted by Khan, it may make little difference if, by manipulating the constitution, the powers of the prime minister have effectively been transferred to the president.
Posted by
Red Tory
1:41 AM
Castro Steps Down
Fidel Castro announced his resignation as president of Cuba and commander-in-chief of Cuba's military today, according to a letter published in the state-run newspaper, Granma. It should be interesting to see what position the various presidential candidates take on this new development with respect to future Cuban-American relations.
Posted by
Red Tory
1:06 AM
Monday, February 18, 2008
Happy "Family Day"
I almost forgot. (We don't celebrate the family out here in B.C., being the heathen degenerates that we are — on the coast, at least.) Anyway, here's an old favourite.
Posted by
Red Tory
5:28 PM
Trailer Talk: Business Advice
Speaking of pecans... I just love this guy. He really cracks me up for some goofy reason. I wish he'd make another video to update folks on what the status of the Butter for President campaign is these days.
Posted by
Red Tory
1:55 PM
Vote Hucklebee!
I don't know whether to laugh or cry over this. Good grief, what catastrophically stupid people. No wonder Jerry Falwell felt right at home in Lynchurg (home to the esteemed Liberty "University" folks — you know, the one that's populating the ranks of the Bush administration's bureaucracy).
h/t: Crooks & Liars
Correction: My bad. I just remembered that Liberty-U and the Thomas Road Baptist Church are in Lynchburg, VA, not Tennessee. Well, whatever... These loons are still as nutty as a pecan pie.
Posted by
Red Tory
1:03 PM
Fair & Balanced
Past (and future?) Faux News coverage of Barrack Obama.
Posted by
Red Tory
10:20 AM
Blogroll Housekeeping
I’ve revived the old blogroll, but it’s from an saved copy of my old template from a ways back. If I’ve inadvertently left you off, please feel free to let me know. As well, if you want to recommend a worthwhile site to include that I might have overlooked, that would be appreciated also. Note that there won’t be any “huns and vandals” on it this time however. Screw them.
Posted by
Red Tory
1:59 AM
More of that fabled "conservative humour" we hear so much about...
p.s. It's Canuckistan, you morons!
Posted by
Red Tory
1:29 AM
Persepolis Recreated
Starting with the work of the German scholar Friedrich Krefter, who spent decades creating a model for a reconstructed Persepolis, film maker Farzin Rezaian and his team have produced a documentary that presents a virtual reconstruction of parts of the Persepolis palace complex. The film that includes commentaries by many of the leading authorities on Achaemenid architecture and history, brings to life and reveals the splendour of the Persepolitan palace complex before its destruction by Alexander the Great.
Please take note the Blogging Tory (that I won’t name to spare him embarrassment) who boldly said these completely hilarious words last month: “Tribal wars between pagan peoples had made the peoples of the Middle East unable to rise up as a unified force and create an empire as had the peoples of Rome, Constantinople, and Cairo.” Uh-huh.
Posted by
Red Tory
1:00 AM
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Somehow, I don't think this situation is going to go well at all. Does anyone have a clue what our government's position is on this? I certainly haven't heard a peep out of them about it. It would be most interesting to know.
Posted by
Red Tory
7:21 AM